Monday, January 9, 2012

I hate virtualization.

I am converting from Xen to KVM. Too much to gain, namely easy device attachment (Magic Jack VM!)
But KVM is being stupid.
virt-install -n magjak -r 512 --os-variant=winxp --disk /dev/nakvmvg/majlv,device=disk --vcpus=1 --description "MagicJack XP" --hvm --host-device 0x06e6:0xc200 -c /nas/isos/Windows/WinXPNak.iso --vnc --noautoconsole

It boots, it sees the magicjack (is that the problem?) it installs, and then it pukes, in an endless, *very fast* reboot churn. I think I saw something about boot device...
I have edited it in virt-manager (what a shit manager: if it's not a "managed resource" you can't touch it. Raw disks aren't managed, prove me wrong please) to boot from CD-ROM first then hard disk (which is still defined with IDE emulation) and it boots to cd-rom unprompted. WTF?
I don't want to do a disk image, but will if I have to.
Maybe my LV has to be hda1 instead of just hda...